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How are teachers using Cadmus?
Ross Monaghan
uses cadmus to
Deliver innovative exam alternatives
Paul Jensen
uses cadmus to
Continually improve his assessment
Sheona Thomson
uses cadmus to
Provide regular feedback to students
Alice Payne
uses cadmus to
Take a learning-centred approach to plagiarism
Michael Vitale
uses cadmus to
Easily manage multiple assessments
Andrew Ewing
uses cadmus to
Reflect on his teaching using learning analytics
Megan Lloyd
uses cadmus to
Develop her students' scientific writing skills
Lois Balmer
uses cadmus to
Shift thinking from final product to process
Gina Richards
uses cadmus to
Scaffold assessments to support students
Loretta Smith
uses cadmus to
Focus and track student engagement
Trisha Downing
uses cadmus to
Deliver assessments to 2000 students
Andrew Zur
uses cadmus to
Streamline the assessment experience
Jenny Kaighin
uses cadmus to
Support development of academic skills
Hear about new ways teachers are using Cadmus