Academic Lead (Science) & HEPPP Retention Lead
Assessment Design
Empower every educator to deliver learning-centred assessments. With built-in templates and scaffolded checklists, it’s easy to give diverse cohorts the clarity they need to succeed. Integrate drafting and learning resources into tasks, creating opportunities for consistent engagement.
Setup Support
“The synergies between the approach of Cadmus and ECU’s priority work in assessment redesign are obvious.”
Students work
Students work in a supportive, online environment integrated with the LMS. Educative nudges and access to similarity reports encourage self-directed learning, while built-in referencing and academic skills guides ensure help is always available when needed.
Educative nudges
Academic skills guides
Similarity reports
LMS integration
Class Management
Take the workflow costs out of scaffolded tasks with a contained assessment management experience for academics. Get a quick overview of progress and easily manage multiple submission points within a single assessment.
Class list sync
Grading & Feedback
With feedback delivered through Cadmus, it’s easy to build formative feedback loops into assessments. Deliver actionable feedback with the Cadmus + Turnitin integration and make the most of similarity reporting, rubrics, multiple markers, automatic grade-sync and more.
Turnitin integration
LMS grade sync
Similarity reports
"Providing helpful, timely feedback is essential for increasing student satisfaction and the effectiveness of their learning"
Learning Analytics
Use Cadmus Learning Analytics to identify ‘at risk’ students and deliver timely learning support. Track progress and engagement within an assessment, or unlock faculty-level assessment insights to support reporting and course reviews.
Track progress
Cohort insights
Activity Reports
“Learning analytics has a critical role in predicting and responding to factors that place students at greater risk of prematurely withdrawing”